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  • Here's What Happened When They Turned Off Their Facebook Ads

Here's What Happened When They Turned Off Their Facebook Ads

TL;DR, their business grew.

🚨Real-life case study alert🚨
Test: 1) Turn off Meta. 2) Invest heavily in branded organic content.
100% YOY GROWTH in January.

Looking back on the Chubbies journey, an overlooked positive externality of this test is the plethora of new options you now have to grow the business

In reality, we always have infinite options to drive growth,

but now you have the trust + confidence from seeing the connection between brand building and financial results first-hand

It opens a world of possibility where you're not 100% beholden to ROAS from Meta ASC+ or whatever.


This newfound freedom and optionality allows you to:

1) Knowingly accept, nay, aim for, LOWER ROAS...even in your conversion ad sets.

You can infuse more brand into your creative knowing ROAS only captures a small fraction of the full value of the content you put out there because you just experienced this first-hand

2) Confidently try tests with reach and follower objectives, on AND off Meta.

3) Invest in creating more awesome content that's not strictly in service to the almighty ROAS

Not that you 100% abandon ROAS

You simply put it in it's place

4) Ultimately, build that resilient base of revenue that continues to show up, day after day, and decays WAY slower than the short term sales-activation stuff.

I'd assume contribution margin and contribution dollar generation is looking a little nicer as well 😉


You now know ROAS misses the impact your content has on changing people's minds toward your brand where, over time, to an ever-increasing degree, they no longer make their purchase decision based on the rational appeals of product, offer and urgency that drive so much of the success of ROAS-optimized ads.

Now, when your customer has a trip coming up and need travel clothes, Western Rise is the next thought. That's it.


Disclaimer time:

To be clear, the short term sales activation measured by ROAS is not BAD

It's the 100% reliance on it that gets you into trouble

I did it for a long time at Chubbies #whoops


So what now?

Now, with increased optionality and new growth levers to explore, there's a weight lifted off your shoulders - a renewed feeling of lightness...

Food tastes better.

The sun shines brighter

And you're feeling the authentic freedom of infinite possibility you're aiming to imbue in your audience's mind minds.

It brings you back to the feeling you had in the early days.

Sky = Limit
World = Oyster


🫡 Much respect to Will Watters and the Western Rise team for running this test, and sharing it with the community

Personally, when Chubbies got bigger, I felt that the options at my disposal to grow the business decreased as the need for the short-term accountability of every dollar spent increased.

I know I'm not the only one who felt/feels this way

You're showing that's not true.


If you're running tests like this, post about it.

If you're wondering how to run these tests, slide into my DMs

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