Brand Marketing is Bullsh*t

I spent most of the time on the road to Chubbies' IPO thinking this. However, these 5 ideas changed that.

I spent most of the time on the road to Chubbies' IPO thinking brand marketing was B.S. However, these 5 ideas changed that.

They helped me gain confidence that
1) Brand building is something modern consumer brands NEED to do
2) There IS a way to connect brand building to financial results
3) Doing so generates MORE PROFITS than direct response alone

Cliffs notes on the 5 ideas and what you can do about it:

IDEA 1: The 95/5 Rule

EXPERT: Prof. John Dawes; Ehrenberg-Bass Institute
CONTENT 1: The 95:5 rule is the new 60:40 rule
- Only 5% of buyers are in-market to buy right now.
- Effective marketing increases the probability the brand comes to mind when the buyer goes in-market.
- Focus on the 95%
- Make creative that gets remembered.

IDEA 2: Physical and Mental Availability

EXPERT: Byron Sharp; Ehrenberg Bass
CONTENT: How do you measure 'How Brands Grow'?
URL: (translate 2 English)
- Brand growth comes from growing the following two things
a) Mental availability: buyers think of the brand when in the market to buy.
b) Physical availability: buyers can buy the brand when and where they’re ready.
- When you build mental availability, you increase the likelihood people buy from you without being prompted by a conversion ad.
- Building mental availability is priority numero uno.

IDEA 3: There's an optimal split btw Brand Marketing and Activation (conversion) marketing to maximize profits

EXPERT: Les Binet
CONTENT: The Long and the Short of It: Balancing Short and Long-Term Marketing
- Objective data support a 60/40 split of brand building & conversion as the ideal mix of base sales growth and sales spikes TOGETHER.
- Brand and DR creative is v different.
- Determine if ur current split is ideal

IDEA 4: Connecting Brand building to financial results is possible

EXPERT: Prof Dominique Hanssens at UCLA & Les Binet
CONTENT: Consumer Attitude Metrics for Guiding Marketing Mix Decisions
- Measuring the financial impact of brand marketing is a 2 step process:
1) marketing activities impact consumer attitudes
2) consumer attitude changes lead to future revenue changes
- read 5 below

IDEA 5: Measuring digital behaviors is the modern method for doing idea 4
EXPERT: Les Binet

CONTENT: Share of Search - a new way to track brands advertising
- Digital behaviors like share of search predict future sales
- Identify the digital behaviors that lead to the largest future $ impact
- Focus brand building on increasing those metrics

And there you have it: How to turn Brand marketing from Bull Sh*t to Holy Sh*t

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  • Get more strategic + tactical nuggets on brand building, 

  • Tactics on connecting brand building to financial impact, 

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