Exactly *How* to Do a Brand Reset

so your brand can ultimately regain the demand the growth of the earlier days

("clear-my-cal-because-this-is-more-important" 1:1 between CMO & CEO on exactly how to execute on a brand reset in a structured way)

***Note after reflection: a brand reset is NOT a brandING reset (new logo, new tagline, etc). this IS a fundamental reset of the actual business: a multi-year process of doing the scary, hard work to pause on chasing revenue growth to fix the fundamentals of the business so that the brand can experience stronger growth in the future.


CMO: so how are you feeling after yesterday?

CEO: a little freaked out tbh

CMO: I've done this many times before and studied countless more brand resets. it's a simple 3 step process. step 1 = why we need a brand reset in the first place. we did that yesterday. done

CEO: this is easy

CMO: if only. now, step 2 = define exactly what a successful "brand reset" means for us in objective, quantifiable terms.

CEO: let's do it.

CMO: not so fast. we need to understand the whole process first. step 3 how we will go about executing the reset. step 3 has 8 components:
1. mindset reset
2. inspo
3. timeline
4. priorities
5. dollars
6. people
7. comp
8. comms

CEO: tell me more

CMO: first, mindset reset: we as an exec team need to unequivocally and irreversibly commit to a new definition of success, not tied to revenue growth.

CEO: we can get there

CMO: second, inspo. which brand reset are we going to use as our inspiration?

CEO: inspiration? not feeling super inspired here.

CMO: all brands we love today went through their own reset. we just need to study history and pick the one or two we want to use as inspo.

it's an essential step for 2 reasons.

first, it reduces feelings of fear & failure our team will inevitably have. why? this 'inspiration' brand - now crushing it - already went through something similar.

second, it provides a proven playbook. all we have to do is what that other brand already did.

CEO: I'm feeling lighter already. honestly, I'd been internalizing the fact that we're having to do this reset as my failure. I ignored the fact a brand reset is an expected part of every brand's journey.

CMO: aaaand that's it for today.

CEO: what!? I was gettin' all amped up

CMO: we'll talk through components 3-8 tomorrow

CEO: then we'll jump back to step 2 and objectively define the 'what'?

CMO: exactly, but we'll do that with the full exec team. you and I need to be completely on the same page before getting everyone else involved. heads up -- we're going to be like Copernicus challenging Aristotle's view that everything revolves around the earth (it took about a century)

CEO: tomorrow it is - same time same place

(This is part 2/4 of the critically unaccalimed series of a once-epic brand realizing they've been chasing revenue to the detriment of overall brand desirability in the marketplace - something all brands experience. See comments for parts 1, 3 and 4)

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